
Another successful 70 Mile Coastal Yardsale

This was our 25th year of hosting the 70 Mile Coastal Yardsale, which has grown in size over the years. This year we had more vendors onsite than ever before. Thanks to good weather and all of the time and efforts of the volunteers that helped pull this all together, we had another successful event. Our BBQ and Mega 50/50 draw helped raise funds to support future events, and to contribute to the funds needed for repairs and renovations needed at our Wood Islands Lighthouse.

Vendors were offering a wide variety items to appeal to just about everyone. Visitors were able to snack on roasted corn, sausages and ocean air infused coffee while wandering through the rows of vendors. The Sweet Company was busy serving up ice cream and fudge, and our agency Liquor Store and Saltwater Commissary were busy as well.

The Mega 50/50 draw marker flew up our Lighthouse model thermometer and generated a lot of excitement. A number of additional prizes were donated for secondary draws after the grand prize winner was drawn. Many thanks to Northumberland Ferries, Red Clay Construction, Wood Islands Cafe Express, Treena’s Takeout, Bar Vela Pizza and an anonymous community member for donating all of the secondary prizes.

And the winners are….
Grand Prize $1840 – Chance White
Northumberland Ferry Pass – Josephine MacNeil
Northumberland Ferry Pass – Wendal MacMaster
Bar Vela $25 Gift Certificate – Wayne Devoe
Wood Islands Café Express Dinner for Two – Virginia Higgenbotham
Treena’s Takeout $40 Gift Certificate – Margo Stewart
T-shirt and Hat from Red Clay Construction – Rick Kirkpatrick
Salt Lamp Essential Oil Diffuser – Rachel Haygett
Crystal Table Lamp – Ann MacDonald
Space Heater – Christine Evans
Juicing Machine – Johnny Herbert

As always, the Yardsale signals the time when seasonal things start winding down here on the Island. Cooler weather is creeping in, children are returning to school and thoughts are starting to turn to fall and winter activities to come. We still have a few events to plan so stay tuned to our website and Facebook pages for announcements.

We sincerely hope that everyone onsite and offsite had a wonderful weekend, and that all of you shoppers found some bargains and those special items on your shopping lists.

Another successful 70 Mile Coastal Yardsale Read More »

Warming Facility

The Wood Islands & Area Development Corporation is pleased to announce that our facility has been chosen as a secondary warming facility for the Rural Municipality of Belfast. In the event that the main warming facility in Belfast is down during an extended power outage, Wood Islands Market will be the secondary facility to go to.

April 22nd was an exciting day as installation of the generator that will provide power during an extended power outage has begun!

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