Wood Islands Market

Confederation Trail

From the beginning of Rails to Trails movement on the Island, the completion of the section from Murray River to Iona has been a goal of the Wood Islands and Area Development Corporation. In fact, the first event organized by Island Trails (then Rails to Trails P.E.l.) was a hike from Melville Station to Iona in October, 1989.

In August , 2002, a troop of Canadian Military Engineers from Gagetown, New Brunswick, rebuilt the railway trestle bridge at Melville Station, thereby making a major contribution to completing the old Murray River branch line. They re-decked the bridge and installed railing as a training exercise and to commemorate their 100th anniversary.

There is a connecting trail from the main railway bed to Wood Islands Market. One of the unique features of this section of the trail are the original stone culverts built back in 1905 and 1906.

Whether you are hiking or cycling, the trail offers a unique opportunity to commune with nature and enjoy the plants and animals. There are markers placed at intervals with information on the surrounding flora and fauna, as well as benches for taking a break.

For information on these and all other Island Trails, please go to the Confederation Trail PEI website.